Thursday, February 16, 2012

Creative Ways to Memorize God's Word

Another of our participants, Kelly-Anne (from Beautiful Girlhood blog) has offered to share her creative ideas of memorizing God's Word. Thank you, Kelly-Anne!

If anyone else is interested in sharing tips or creative ways that help you in this journey, either comment or email me at

~Ana Renee

I believe that memorizing Scripture is good for every follower of Jesus Christ. It gets us through hard times and keeps us focused on His everlasting love.I do admit that when I joined 52 Weeks 52 Verses, I had no idea just how many words I would be storing in my head!

...So...I came up with a way to keep me re-reading and repeating each verse I have memorized so far...

I print each verse I plan to memorize on a piece of A4 blank paper in stunning fonts and sizes. I then decorate it with ribbons, stamps, paper flowers, pearls, gems, etc. Sometimes, I paint the word most fitting to the verse in bold, so I know at a glance what it is about. Each piece of Scripture goes up on my wall (I don't know where I will put fifty-two!) so I can read through them all before going to sleep. Each verse I can repeat whenever and wherever I am.

Here are some pictures of the verses that I have done so far.

1 comment:

~katie~ said...

This is wonderful! Great idea, Kelly Anne!!!